Our History

NZCCA was birthed out of a need for a national Christian Counselling Association. There were a number of people in discussion about this – Liz Maluschnig, Charlotte Bell, Dr Wade Brett, Joyce Carswell, John McEwen, Gerry Douglas, Grant Meidal and Patte Randal. We all agreed there needed to be an association which could promote professional counselling practices integrated with Christian spirituality, a place for creating connections and community amongst Christian counsellors and promoting best ethical and safe practice. These discussions began in mid-1990 and resulted in an inaugural meeting in Auckland on the 27th of August. Here we presented the aims, goals, statement of faith, ethics and a membership application form. These have of course been refined and evolved over the years.

With the support of those attending the meeting regular meetings began on the 3 September 1993, with what would become an executive with Mark Klassen (Chairperson), Dr Peter Bowden, Gerry Douglas, Charlotte Bell, Joyce Carswell, Patrick Doherty, John McEwen and Liz Maluschnig. In 1994 working groups were set up in the following areas: Counselling training, Conference, Resources (compiling a directory) and Standards, Membership and Accreditation.

In February 1995 Rules of the Association were refined and presented to the first conference and AGM, and then sent to IRD. The first conference was held in Auckland at Friendship House. The first Executive Committee was appointed – Colin Becroft, Charlotte Bell, Marjorie Blaiklock, Gerry Douglas, Liz Maluschnig, Patte Randal, John Robinson, Margaret Small and Louise Smith.

Some early milestones:

  • On the 16th of November 1995 NZCCA was registered as a Charitable Trust.
  • In 1996 the NZCCA office was established at Youthline House.
  • In October 1997 we had the first executive retreat. 
  • In 2001 NZCCA gained recognition by ACC and WINZ
  • In 2004 NZCCA gained recognition by Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Social Development 

Please also refer to our Who We Are Statement