Application FAQs
Application Forms
Where do I find the application forms?
You must be logged into the NZCCA website via the Members Login to view the application forms. The Application forms will be under the Membership Menu once you have signed in.
How do I create a login?
You can sign up to our website by following the sign-up process (the instructions on how to sign up are at the beginning of this video).
I have started an application form and saved it. How do i find it again?
You can view your applications (submitted and in-progress) by going back to the Application forms (under the Membership Menu) and selecting the application type you are applying/have applied for. You will be taken to a new application for that form. There will be two headings in blue - one being the application form's name and the second being 'Applications'. Please click on 'Applications' and your saved/in progress applications will show. Then click on 'View' to view the application.
e.g. Provisional Membership Application Applications <--- Click here
Is there an application fee?
Yes, there is a $90 application fee for all Provisional, Full Member, Upgrade and Exceptional Circumstances applications.
There is no application fee for NZCCA Student Affiliates who apply for Provisional Membership near the time of their graduation. There is also no application fee for the Affiliate, Student Affiliate, Retiree, On Hold and Off Hold applications.
When will my application be processed?
The Membership Committee will review applications as they are received and then get final approval at the next Executive Meeting which take place every two-three months.
Do you have a cut-off date for applications?
Provisional, Full and Upgrade from NZCCA Provisional to Full Membership application forms need to be completed and submitted before 30 November. We will endeavour to review these applications in early December, but this will be dependent on the availability of our membership team. Applications submitted in December and early January will not be reviewed until at least mid-January.
All other application types will be reviewed as they are received.
When can Students apply for membership?
Students may apply for Provisional Membership when they are in their final year of training for a recognised counselling qualification and when they have at least 200 supervised client hours.
We suggest students start the application during their last semester as this will give them time to complete the application before they finish their studies. They can then complete the application once they have received their final results, transcript, practicum, and practicum hours letter from your training institution.
Please note: You will need to meet with your supervisor, to complete the supervisor form, when you are close to submitting your application. You must send us a verified copy of your qualification certificate once you receive it.
Can I apply for membership if I have a criminal record?
Each application is considered on a case by case basis and the nature of the criminal activity will influence the final decision.
Can you clarify what an ethical dilemma is?
Please refer to the NZCCA Code of Ethics and Practice.
Can I count group work as a facilitator, online or telephone counselling in my hours when applying for Provisional, Full or Upgrade to Full Membership?
Group work: can be up to 25% of the applicant's overall practicum hours, provided the group is a therapeutic group and the applicant is a facilitator.
Online/Telehealth and telephone: can be up to 20% of the first 100 hours of practicum, then up to 30% of the second 100 hours of practicum. Can also be up to 30% of the 200 hours post training that are required prior to applying for an upgrade to full membership.
The time spent writing therapeutic letters or engaging in text counselling are not counted as part of any membership applications.
If I join NZCCA, will I be able to counsel ACC clients or do Family Court work?
Membership of NZCCA is sufficient to apply to do work for ACC, WINZ and other government and private contracts for which membership of a professional organisation is required. A separate application for these is usually obtained from, submitted to and evaluated by the organisation concerned.
Does NZCCA allow me to work online with clients?
Please refer to section 1.12 “Use of Technology” in our NZCCA Code of Ethics and Practice.
Qualifications and Training
What qualifications do I require to be a Member of NZCCA?
To be eligible to apply for Provisional Membership you need to either be in your last year of study or to have successfully completed an NZQA approved counselling training programme. You also need to have completed a minimum of 200 supervised practicum hours. Refer also to the question, "When can Students apply for membership?"
To be eligible to apply for Full Membership you need to have completed an NZQA approved counselling training programme (minimum level accepted– Level 7) and a minimum of 400 supervised practicum hours, of which a minimum of 200 hours need to be post graduate.
What must my training include to meet the criteria for NZCCA membership?
Your training must include:
- Counselling micro-skills
- Knowledge of a range of theoretical models with competency in at least one model
- Understanding and knowledge of a variety of counselling issues and situations
- Understanding of the principles of a Code of Ethics and the concept of client safety
- Knowledge around the value of supervision
- Self-awareness and personal development including undertaking some personal counselling during the course as required
- Practical work with other students to practice skills and models
- Supervised practice as per course requirements
- Completed Bi-Cultural/Treaty of Waitangi training in a course that offers at least 30 hours of training/experience. A Marae visit should be included; an overnight stay is preferred but not essential. Membership cannot be considered until this training has been undertaken.
- Undertaken at least 200 supervised client hours (Provisional Membership) or 400 supervised client hours (Full Membership).
- Had at least monthly supervision for the past six months with a New Zealand supervisor who is trained as a clinical counsellor as well as having supervision training. They must also be a member of a professional counselling or psychotherapy organisation (e.g. NZCCA, NZAC or NZAP), or a member of another professional body acceptable to the NZCCA Executive.
When is the cut-off date for applying for NZCCA membership with a Diploma qualification?
Any new applications with a Diploma qualification must be received prior to 31 December 2018 and include the appropriate number of supervised practicum hours (200 for Provisional Membership and 400 for Full Membership). From 1 January 2019 applicants will need to have at least a Bachelor's degree in Counselling (or very similar) to apply.
I have/am working towards a P.G. Diploma in Counselling (or similar). Can i apply for membership?
e.g. Massey Post Grad. Dip. in Education and Guidance. Due to the number of enquiries from people undertaking this study, we would like to make some clarifications regarding eligibility for our membership.
- The P.G. Diploma qualification does not constitute in itself as adequate for membership application. Also having to be taken into account is the undergrad qualifications, how long ago these qualifications were gained and prior working experience. Because our least requirement is a Bachelor in Counselling, undergrad qualifications have to show that subjects like, human development, models of helping, abnormal psychology and others that are found in a Bachelor of Counselling have been learned. A 1 year intro into counselling such as the Massey P.G. Dip. is not adequate to cover the basic education in counselling.
- If you have been told you will have enough qualifications after attaining this diploma, you will still need to go through the application process. Simply having a qualification isn’t a given for acceptance to NZCCA provisional membership. The application entails satisfying the application reviewers, and an external supervisor, that you show readiness to practice.
- When obtaining 200 hours supervised practice for eligibility to apply for provisional membership, you must see an NZCCA accredited supervisor at a ratio of 1:20 (1 hour supervision to 20 client sessions).
- Student affiliation is not a membership category. Membership is effectively saying that we can affirm a practitioner’s skills in the counselling process and their ability to work ethically and safely. We do not affirm this until provisional membership has been gained.
- Being an active Christian is integral to being a member of NZCCA; we have a responsibility to people who access our database who are looking particularly for a Christian Counsellor. Having a general belief in a higher power, being christened as a child, or being brought up in a Christian home is not the same as having an ongoing adult faith and relationship with Jesus.
We hope this helps potential applicants to understand the rationale used to when each query about membership is gone through individually to see if it meets our requirements.
I completed my training overseas or I am planning on training overseas; will my qualification count for membership with NZCCA?
To apply for membership you need to have your qualification evaluated by the NZ Qualifications Authority (NZQA) to determine their NZ level equivalence (a minimum of level 7 is required). Information on this process can be found on the following weblinks. and
You will need to complete this process for your international counselling-related qualifications before you can apply for membership.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Is there a specific requirement for CPD before I apply for membership?
Yes. You need to show that your CPD for the previous 12 months is in alignment with NZCCA’s Annual Practice Review requirement (minimum of 40 hours per year).
Students who have studied in the months prior to apply will have met this requirement.
Please refer to our CPD webpage for more information.
What counts as CPD?
Please refer to our CPD webpage which outlines our CPD categories and what does not count as CPD. Basically, CPD may include counselling related: workshops, training courses, seminars, conferences, NZCCA Branch meetings, clinical/professional reading and research; online content e.g. Webinars, TED Talks, You Tube videos etc. Students who have completed (or graduated) with a qualification in counselling can use their study hours towards the professional development requirement.
Professional reading is limited to a maximum of 10 hours as we value connection with other professionals.
Supervision, peer supervision, personal counselling, spiritual direction, church conferences and meetings are not counted towards professional development hours.
What are your requirements for supervision or supervisors?
Please refer to our Supervision Requirements for information on our supervision and supervisor requirements.
How do I add multiple supervisors to my Provisional, Upgrade, Full or Exceptional Circumstances application?
You can search and select multiple supervisors from the 'Manage Supervisors' button at the bottom of the application forms.
How does my supervisor complete the supervision section of my application form?
Your supervisor will need to complete this with you during a supervision session. Instructions can be found by viewing the video section 31:12-36:40 in this video.
Is there an interview to become a Member?
Yes, Full Member, Upgrade from NZCCA Provisional to Full Membership, and Exceptional Circumstances applicants will require an interview.
You may be asked to attend an interview for Provisional Membership if the Membership Committee has further questions after considering your application and your supervisor’s report.
Applicants who have been approved to move onto the interview will be invoiced $320 (incl. GST) to cover interview costs.
You will also be required to cover any costs associated with your attending the interview location. Interviews are held in Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington, Nelson and Christchurch.
What is involved in an interview?
There will be two Membership Committee members or representatives in attendance. Once interview times and dates have been established, you will receive a list of topics which will form the basis of the interview. You may choose to take a support person with you. We anticipate the interview to take approximately 1- 1 ½ hours.
Upgrading from NZCCA Provisional Membership to Full Membership
What do I have to do to Upgrade from NZCCA Provisional to Full Membership?
You must have completed 200 hours of post graduate face to face counselling. You must complete the Upgrade Application in conjunction with your supervisor. This includes a personal reflection on how you have ‘grown’ as a counsellor and a report from your supervisor. We will call your supervisor to discuss your upgrade application. Your original application and subsequent annual practice review summaries will also be taken into consideration. There is an upgrade fee of $90. All upgrades to Full Membership will require an interview and you will be required to cover any costs associated with getting to the interview location.